May the One who blessed our ancestors,

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah,

bless this mother:


and this father:


as well as their son:


Merciful God, grant that this child grow to maturity in good health and mind.

May he be a sensitive human being, a caring son, man, husband and father.

May he be spared the ravages of war and violence, the bitterness of hatred and prejudice.

May he be a blessing to all who love him, to the people Israel, and to all humanity.

May he be blessed with long life surrounded by his beloved family and may his parents find wisdom and length of days to raise their son to the study and practice of Torah, deeds of compassion and righteousness, and to witness his achievement of love fulfilled.

May he be capable of loving deeply, and may he be loved deeply, and let us say: 